Plot: Scrap Teacher: KyÅshi Saisei is a Japanese school comedy/drama series aired on NTV at 21:00-21:54 every Saturday from October 11 to December 6, 2008. It consisted of nine episodes. Scrap Teacher was produced by Yuko Hazeyama and Masahiro Uchiyama from a screenplay by Fumie Mizuhashi. Wikipedia...
Plot: Water Polo Yankees is a 2014 Japanese television drama, starring Yuto Nakajima of Hey! Say! JUMP, Kento Yamazaki and Sakurako Ohara. It is the first drama to have water polo as their main sport. The drama aired from 12 July 2014 to 20 September 2014 with a total of ten episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: The Kindaichi Case Files is a Japanese mystery manga series based on the crime solving adventures of a high school student, Hajime Kindaichi, the supposed grandson of the famous private detective Kosuke Kindaichi. They are written by YÅzaburÅ Kanari or Seimaru Amagi and illustrated...
Plot: Kinpachi-sensei is a Japanese television drama. The official English title is Mr. Kinpachi in Class 3B. Kinpachi-sensei tells the story of a third-year junior high school class in Japan; its teacher is Kinpachi Sakamoto, played by Tetsuya Takeda. Wikipedia
Plot: Shounen Club is a Japanese music variety show that airs on NHK BS Premium. The show premiered on NHK BS 2 on April 9, 2000 and continues to this day. Worldwide, it airs on NHK World Premium and TV Japan as Pop Music Club It features the juniors of Johnny & Associates. Wikipedia