Plot: Based on the book by Brian McGreevy and executive produced by acclaimed horror master Eli Roth ("Hostel"), this Netflix original series revolves around the peculiar residents -- and killer creatures -- of Hemlock Grove, a dilapidated former steel town in Pennsylvania. The town is composed of people...
Plot: Elena Michaels is a loner in a world she never wanted to be part of. The only female werewolf in existence, she is desperate to escape from both the paranormal world she's in and the man who turned her into a wolf. So she abandons her pack and moves to a new city, where she works as a photographer...
Plot: In this reimagining of the classic Dracula story, the world is dominated by vampires, requiring humans to work together to survive. The series centers on Vanessa Helsing, daughter of famed vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, who wakes up after a five-year coma to discover a vampire-controlled world....
Plot: In a retelling of the Arthurian legend, teenage sorceress Nimue joins forces with a young and charming mercenary named Arthur on a mission to save her people.
Plot: Wolfblood is a British-German fantasy teen drama television series targeted at a young audience. Created by Debbie Moon, it is a co-production between CBBC and ZDF/ZDFE. The television series revolves around the life of the species known as wolfbloods. Wikipedia
Plot: Inspired by the popular video game series, this anime series is a dark medieval fantasy. It follows the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, Trevor Belmont, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hands of Vlad Dracula Tepes. As Dracula and his legion of vampires prepare...