Plot: Dansbandskampen is a television show established by Peter Settman and his production company Baluba. Peter Settman is also the show host. The show is broadcast over Sveriges Television, with season 1 airing OctoberâDecember 2008. In 2008, five bands participated each week. Wikipedia...
Plot: Bingolotto is a Swedish primetime television game show lottery that was first broadcast 1989 on local TV and since 1991 nationwide on the Swedish network TV4. The show is a collaboration work between Swedish TV channel TV4, the Swedish lottery game company Folkspel and the Swedish sports life. Wikipedia...
Plot: Allsång på Skansen is a Swedish show held at Skansen, Stockholm, every summer on Tuesdays between 8pm and 9pm. The audience is supposed to sing along with musical guest stars to well-known Swedish songs. The show started in 1935 on a small scale; about 50 people in the audience. Wikipedia
Plot: Lotta på Liseberg, also called Allsång på Liseberg, is a Swedish sing-along show held at Stora scenen at the amusement park Liseberg in Gothenburg every Monday evening during the summers since 2004, hosted by Lotta Engberg and conducted by Curt-Eric Holmquist, the pianist. It is produced by...
Plot: Så mycket bättre is a Swedish reality television show that airs on TV4. The basic premise is that each artist attempts to do their own version of another artist's well-known songs, with each person getting an episode featuring all of their songs being performed by the other musicians. Wikipedia...