Plot: Blue Whale is a Drama-Mystery series directed by Fereydoun Jeyrani, written by Bahram Tavakoli and produced by Saeid Malekan. This series is in an adventurous atmosphere in Persian and a product of Iran. In addition to Saeid Malekan, Honar Aval and Filimo companies are also investors in the series....
Plot: Mission Top Secret is an Australian TV series aired between 1992 and 1995. The pilot for the series was a 1991 telemovie of the same name. This was part of the South Pacific Adventure series on a budget of $1 million. At the APRA Music Awards of 1994 won Best Television Theme. Wikipedia
Plot: It narrates a different and humorous story about the days after Khanjari's military service and Zohreh which happens 1512 days after the events of Shahgosh. Solat, who is looking for the dog's owner and sleeping in the streets, is close to an unexpected event which changes his life. It narrates a different...
Plot: Mokhtarnameh is an Iranian epic/history television series directed by Davood Mirbagheri, based on the life of Al-Mukhtar, a pro-Alid revolutionary based in Kufa, who led a rebellion against the Umayyad Caliphate in 685 and ruled over most of Iraq for eighteen months during the Second Fitna. Wikipedia...
Plot: This movie/documentary represents emotional and happy moments with school seniors on the day of farewell. Representing Past and Present of School life, done in the most cinematic way possible.