Plot: Produced in partnership with the Royal Institute of British Architects and hosted by Dan Cruickshank, this documentary focuses on the architecture of the British home throughout the ages. Properties up and down the country range in style from the terraces of Toxteth, Liverpool to the cottages of Stoneleigh...
Plot: British architectural historian Dan Cruickshank explores the world's most unusual and interesting buildings, structures and sites, believing that architecture and a culture's aspirations and beliefs are intertwined. Among his visits are the Leshan Giant Buddha in China, St. Catherine's Monastery in...
Plot: In a six-part series, architectural historian Dan Cruickshank visits houses in Britain never before open to public view, including South Wraxall Manor, Kinross House in Scotland, Easton Neston, Wentworth Woodhouse, Clandeboye in Northern Ireland, and Marshcourt. Cruickshank roams the corridors and rummages...
Plot: A look at aspects of British metalworking over the centuries, including the art of the silversmith, the history of armour and the work of the blacksmith.
Plot: Dan Cruickshank explores famous buildings throughout Britain, discovering their histories and some of the stories that have accompanied them through the years.