Plot: Di Gi Charat is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Koge-Donbo. The series follows a catgirl named Di Gi Charat "Dejiko" who was adopted as the mascot of Broccoli's retail chain store, Gamers. The original anime series and its original video animations are set in a Gamers store. Wikipedia
Plot: Mahoromatic is a Japanese manga series about a female android former soldier, Mahoro. Driven by guilt from her actions during her combat days, she decides to dedicate the rest of her life to serving the son of her late commander as a maid. The manga was written by BunjūrŠNakayama and illustrated...
Plot: A young woman finds herself transported to another world, where she learns she is a princess tasked with rescuing trapped princes who can help her save the world from dream eaters.
Plot: An injured man wakes up in a small village after being rescued by an apprentice physician. He has no memory of who he is and a mask he cannot take off, he then decides to live with the other villagers peacefully. However a single event in their village plunges himself and his fellow villagers into a...
Plot: Judo Boy is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsuo Yoshida and directed by Ippei Kuri. The series aired on Fuji TV from April 2, 1969 to September 24, 1969, totaling 26 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: In an alternate version of Japan, the Meiji Restoration never happens thanks to the efforts of a giant robot named Onigami, who repels the advances of foreigners.