Plot: Three orphans separated at childhood find their destinies intertwining many years later It started with a woman called Rosa, who gave birth to a little baby girl but her family was against her raising the baby all alone with no father so they took the baby from her and gave her to a woman called Julia...
Plot: Moj roÄak sa sela is a TV series program written by Radoslav PavloviÄ and co-produced by Radio Television of Serbia and KoÅ¡utnjak Film. Two seasons, with a total of 28 episodes have been produced by now. The first episode aired in 2008 and the last in 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: A TV series which depicts the clash of different value systems and mentalities of Montenegrin two families, one from the old city of Budva, and the other from transitional Niksic.
Plot: Ljubav, navika, panika is a Serbian sitcom, originally broadcast from February 6, 2005 to April 1, 2007 on RTV Pink. in 2005, the series was named by Golden Rose of Montreux as one of the best sitcoms. It remains one of the most popular Serbian television series from the 2000s. Wikipedia
Plot: Bela laÄa is a Serbian comedy television series broadcast from December 2006 until April 2012 on Radio Television of Serbia. The series was produced by Radio-television of Serbia with executive production by KoÅ¡utnjak film. The screenplay was written by SiniÅ¡a PaviÄ and Mihajlo...
Plot: A sitcom that follows intertwined lives of three couples set mostly in the building in which they live and the café owned by one of these people.
Plot: Stižu dolari, and its second season, Stižu dolari 2, is a Serbian TV series made in the production of Komuna Belgrade and the Radio Television of Serbia. The script for the series was written by Sinisa Pavic and Ljiljana Pavic, and directed by Mihailo Vukobratovic. Wikipedia
Plot: Tv series, in a comic way, presents the life together three couples: young, who is starting life under the same roof, middle-aged, which is in the midst of "midlife crisis" and mature, that divides good and evil for 45 years. Through the prism of each pair of viewers will be a humorous way to meet with...
Plot: When her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her scheming stepsisters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger.