Plot: Dagsrevyen is the daily evening news programme for the Norwegian television channel NRK1, the main channel of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, broadcast at 19:00. In 2007, the programme started airing simultaneously on NRK's dedicated news channel NRK2, but this arrangement ended that same year...
Plot: Norwegian comedy/travel series. Øystein Bache and Rune Gokstad crosses different countries in medium-to-low suitable contraptions as a veteran fire truck, tuk-tuk and cargo moped.
Plot: In 1972, a gang of close-knit thieves from Youngstown, Ohio attempt to steal $30 million in illegal contributions and blackmail money from President Richard Nixon's secret fund.
Plot: Bokprogrammet is a Norwegian TV series on literature, which was shown on NRK1 from 2006 to 2014. The programme looked at writing with a famous author, or at a theme or genre. The programme was presented by Hans Olav Brenner for the first few years, and by Siss Vik from 2010 onwards. Wikipedia
Plot: A Norwegian game show on a very, very low level of difficulty. Host Kristian Ødegård and his companion, Dag Otto Lauritzen, goes through a variety of tasks and challenges with different guests each week.
Plot: A panel game quiz show where panelists are given challenges to solve and awarded points for the most correct, or funniest answer. With a basis in science, the program is similar to BBC's QI.