Plot: Kaafir is a 2019 Indian web television series directed by Sonam Nair. Written by Bhavani Iyer, the series follows Kainaaz Akhtar, a woman from Pakistan-administered Kashmir who winds up on the Indian side of the Line-of-Control, and is held prisoner under the suspicion of being a militant. Wikipedia...
Plot: Two best friends, Badrinath and Budhdeb, create adventurous memories by getting in a lot of trouble at school and overcoming them through their wit and companionship.
Plot: Broken But Beautiful is a 2018 Hindi romance web series, created by Ekta Kapoor for her video on demand platform, ALTBalaji. The series stars Vikrant Massey and Harleen Sethi as the protagonists. The series revolves around love, heartbreaks and never ending romance between two individuals. Wikipedia...
Plot: Chef Pankaj Bhadouria prepares new recipes with simple ingredients to give traditional cooking a new twist, while also making daily menu planning easier for the viewers.
Plot: Lord Krishna, once a naughty little child, grows up and embarks on a number of adventures to fight and eradicate evil forces and provide justice to all.
Plot: Host Monica Dogra interacts with renowned fashion designers and celebrities from the television industry and learns about their fashion sense and style statement.
Plot: Host Rajeev Khandelwal indulges in a candid and fun-filled interaction with beloved television celebrities, wherein they share their personal lives, professional achievements and adventure stories.
Plot: The Final Call is a 2019 Indian web television thriller series based on 2015 novel I Will Go With You by Priya Kumar. Directed by Vijay Lalwani, it centres around the passengers of a flight from Mumbai to Sydney whose lives are endangered after the captain decides to commit suicide on board. Wikipedia...
Plot: Fixerr is a 2019 Indian Hindi action drama web series created by Sakett Saawhney and produced by Riti Sawnhney under her banner Ekomkar Pictures for ALT Balaji, It is also available on ZEE5. Wikipedia
Plot: Coldd Lassi Aur Chicken Masala is an Indian romantic comedy web series starring Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya and Rajeev Khandelwal. Produced by Doris Dey & Suhail Zaidi it is directed by Pradeep Sarkar. The filming of the series began in February 2019 in Vadodara. Wikipedia
Plot: M.O.M. - Mission Over Mars is a 2019 Indian Hindi drama web series created by Ekta Kapoor. The series is developed and produced by Endemol Shine India for online streaming platforms ALTBalaji and ZEE5. The series stars Sakshi Tanwar, Mona Singh, Nidhi Singh and Palomi Ghosh as protagonists. Wikipedia...
Plot: The lives of Nandini, a widow, and a free-spirited Meera, two contrasting women, entwine when they come together to fight the dominance of the patriarchal system.
Plot: Ishq Aaj Kal is an Indian web series featured on ZEE5. The show is produced by Dheeraj Kumar, Zuby Kochhar, Sunil Gupta and directed by Nitesh Singh. It stars Angad Hasija, Ankitta Sharma, and Paras Kalnawat in lead roles. This show is a spin-off version of Ishq Subhan Allah. Wikipedia
Plot: The hosts prepare delectable dishes and provide instructions for making it. They also provide tips and nutritional facts of the recipe being prepared.
Plot: Santoshi Maa - Sunayein Vrat Kathayein is a sequel series of the show Santoshi Maa and is a 2020 Indian Hindi language mythological television series, which premiered on 28 January 2020 on &TV and also on ZEE5 even before TV telecast. Wikipedia