Plot: The series is based on the book "Objetivo 4" written by Germán Castro Caycedo, one of the most popular writers in Colombia. "Command Elite" tells the real story of seven important Colombian criminals that were captured in the last decade by the secret police and the army. MARTÍN SOMBRA, guerrilla...
Plot: The Reyes brothers fled violence by losing their parents and their property. They arrived in Bogota ready to start over. Juan is the older brother and the head of the household, followed by his brothers Óscar and Franco and the youngest being Libya. In October 1949, Libya hides his brothers from the...
Plot: Vuelo secreto was a long-running Colombian sitcom, created by Juan Manuel Cáceres and broadcast weekly between 1992 and 1999. Set in a travel agency, it initially focused on the relationship between Ernesto, the boss, and two of his employees, Alejandro and Pilar. Wikipedia
Plot: ''Los Cuervos '' is a story about the Olmedo family concentrated on the three sisters Sara (Teresa Gutiérrez), Dolores (Consuelo Luzardo), Narciza (Delfina Guido) and their nephew Fausto (Armando Gutiérrez ), who live inside the mysterious Casa Loma mansion, facing various tragic, intriguing, enigmatic...
Plot: During the colonization of Antioquia in Colombia in the early twentieth century, the family Herreros reaches a huge valley with a view to found a town called Balandu. But his arrival breaks the harmony being cursed for 30 years and his greatest legacy is also the Two tree palm House.
Plot: Two people have loved each other in past lives, and that love is represented in a sun-shaped medallion which is split in half, which if the couple does not join will have a tragic end.
Plot: In a very exclusive school of Bogotá, senior year students are facing the realities of Colombia at the end of the century, in an environment surrounded by comfort and opportunity of a high class position. Characters that dream, laugh and live their everyday life at school, at home, with friends and...