Plot: "Save Our History" is a television series that turns historic preservation into adventure. Episodes search for answers to our past that are off the beaten path - not just in restored structures, but by flying restored aircraft, diving for lost ships, traveling to remote battle sites, and meeting those...
Plot: `Murder Maps' is a documentary series exploring notorious homicides in modern history. Host Nicholas Day discusses cases in detail and drama reconstructions retell the events as they are believed to have happened. Every episode focuses on a different period, within the London area, examining the forensic...
Plot: Reconstructions, interviews and archival material is key in this documentary series, which offers viewers an in-depth look into the circumstances surrounding and investigations into some of the most horrendous crimes in Britain. From the case of Stephen Griffiths, the so-called Crossbow Cannibal, and...
Plot: If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be trapped inside an Iron Maiden or stretched and twisted on a torturer's rack or forced to eat live cockroaches to survive in a penal colony -- well, probably some kind of intensive therapy would be in order. Failing that, however, you can satisfy your...