Plot: Atlanta is the setting of this reality series that follows five pastors in the city, highlighting the different approaches they take to their ministries. The series takes a look at the pastors as they tackle polarizing issues and hot-button topics, ranging from the validity of unorthodox ministry techniques...
Plot: Join New Creation Church TV with Joseph Prince and discover the truth of God's heart for you in the gospel of grace - the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Plot: Sid Roth takes viewers on a spiritual quest explaining them about the life of Jesus Christ and the effect of his miracles on real people, featuring real-life stories of people who underwent suffering.
Plot: This program features Pastor, Benny Hinn, a noted evangelist, teacher, and an author impacting the world with the life-saving and miracle-working messages of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Plot: Through the Bible with Les Feldick is a television series produced by KWGB-TV in Tulsa, Oklahoma and hosted by Les Feldick, airing nationwide in syndication. Wikipedia
Plot: Bible teacher Joyce Meyer reaches out to both Christians and non-Christians, as she illustrates how to make each day better by applying biblical principles to every activity.