Plot: A teenage girl learns that she is the reincarnation of Queen Guinevere of Camelot to be trained by Merlin to be a mystic defender of the innocent. Imagine a world lousy with betrayal and intrigue, where survival depends on allegiance to tribe-where happiness is an unexpected luxury and the future is...
Plot: This computer-animated series, based on the 2010 film "How to Train Your Dragon," follows the continuing adventures of young dragon trainer Hiccup and his loyal dragon companion, Toothless, on the island of Berk. The band of dragon trainers, who all now have dragons of their own, are also featured....
Plot: Tipi Tales was a Canadian TV series about a Canadian First Nations family living in a woodlands cottage that focused on teaching children about the importance of family and friends, as well as First Nations culture. The show premiered in 2002 and ended in 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Wee 3 is a Canadian preschool television series aired on Treehouse TV. It first aired on January 30, 2001 with a total of 27 24-minute episodes, along with Treetown, Ants in Your Pants and Crazy Quilt. It also formerly aired as an acquired series on YTV. Wikipedia
Plot: The Screech Owls is a series of juvenile fiction novels by Canadian author Roy MacGregor. There are currently 27 titles in the series, all published by McClelland & Stewart. Wikipedia
Plot: Short Circutz was a series of short computer animated videos that were played between television shows on YTV every weekend afternoon and evening from September 10, 1994 until September 1, 1996. Most videos were 30 to 120 seconds long, often played between other computer animated shows, such as ReBoot...
Plot: Wumpa's World is a Chinese-Canadian television series for children which first aired on many networks including Treehouse TV, The Knowledge Channel, APTN, CCTV, TVB and TDM with 26 15-minute episodes from August 2001 to May 2002. The pilot episode aired in late 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: Each week five contestants train for, and then compete in, a series of mental and physical challenges. Three teens will make it through the first elimination round and travel to a new location for their final challenge to win prizes and the title of "Ultimate Adrenalite."
Plot: This talent show puts kids in charge and adults onstage. Armed with what they believe are wacky and hilarious talents, adults have one minute to entertain a panel of four kid judges. If a judge is bored by the routine, he or she can hit the "zoink" button after 20 seconds, splattering the performer...