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Crash Gallery
Description: Artists compete in mediums ranging from paint and canvas to graffiti art. Genre: Reality-TV Year Released: 2015 Number of seasons: 2 Number of episodes: 6 First episode air date: October 2, 2015 Presented By: Sean O'Neill Network: CBC Television
Plot: Exhibitionists is a Canadian documentary series that premiered on CBC Television on October 4, 2015. Exhibitionists is young, daring and born of a passionate and personal connection with innovating artists across genres from diverse communities across Canada. Wikipedia
Plot: Returning for a third season, "Recipe to Riches" moves to CBC Television. Featuring amateur cooks from across the country, the competition series showcases some of Canada's most delicious and original recipes. In each episode of the series, hosted by Carlo Rota and featuring judges Arlene Dickinson...
Plot: This sprawling family saga takes place where an unfortunate tragedy has glued a family together to pull them through life's thick and thin moments. Follow young Amy Fleming as she slowly discovers she possesses her now-deceased mother's ability to aid injured horses as well as maintaining good relationships...
Plot: Detective William Murdoch of the Toronto Constabulary and his team investigate the gruesome killings and murders using the most sophisticated techniques that were unheard of in the late 1890s.
Plot: Warm, loyal PR executive Kate and her longtime friend, no-nonsense psychiatrist Anne, attend a judgmental mommies' group, where they meet timid IT tech Jenny and blindly optimistic real estate agent Frankie. The four quickly form an unlikely friendship, sharing struggles of urban motherhood filled...
Plot: This unconventional crime drama poses the question of `whydunit' rather than `whodunit'. Each episode begins by revealing not only the victim but the killer as well. A team of investigators, led by homicide detective Angie Flynn, tries to piece together the clues. Viewers navigate a complicated maze...
Plot: The news never looked the same when this show came on the air. These Toronto-based anchors and roving correspondents dish commentaries and sketches that shed a whole new light on keeping on top of the headlines. Every week, Canadians tune in to unique satire that explores all the events that makes...
Plot: Some of the most-popular, chart-topping songs in Canadian music history get made over in this musical competition series. Eight finalists, chosen from the thousands of hopefuls who auditioned, put their own spin on iconic songs for a chance to win the grand prize, which includes $100,000, a recording...
Plot: In keeping with the original style set by its popular American Bravo predecessors, this Canadian version of the "Real Housewives" franchise follows a handful of Vancouver's wealthiest and most elite women -- not all of whom begin filming as wives -- with a focus on the relationships and often outrageous...
Plot: Some of the most-popular, chart-topping songs in Canadian music history get made over in this musical competition series. Eight finalists, chosen from the thousands of hopefuls who auditioned, put their own spin on iconic songs for a chance to win the grand prize, which includes $100,000, a recording...
Plot: Returning for a third season, "Recipe to Riches" moves to CBC Television. Featuring amateur cooks from across the country, the competition series showcases some of Canada's most delicious and original recipes. In each episode of the series, hosted by Carlo Rota and featuring judges Arlene Dickinson...
Plot: Multimillionaire businessman Kevin O'Leary, a headliner on "Dragon's Den," sees the potential in people others might turn away from, like ex-cons. In this reality series, 10 ex-cons are faced with challenges designed to reveal their own personal set of skills and character flaws. After each challenge...
Plot: In the aftermath of the recent recession, Canadian business owners find themselves faced with a high dollar and an unstable economy, and many of them are fighting to keep their companies alive. Successful entrepreneurs and "Dragon's Den" dragons Jim Treliving and Arlene Dickinson are on a mission to...
Plot: Businesswoman, investor and author Arlene Dickinson coaches on-the-rise entrepreneurs on a journey toward successfully starting their own small businesses. In each episode, Dickinson takes these couples, families and individuals under her wing. Before checking out three potential small businesses,...
Plot: "In the Making" is an immersive journey into the creative process of artists. Each episode follows an artist who could be from any walk of the creative spectrum, including visual art, film, music, dance or theater. Sean O'Neill visits these artists in a variety of places -- at home, in the studio,...
Plot: As tensions continue to rise around the world, the revolution for change won't be televised; it will be written, danced, sculpted and painted so that its reverberations can be felt worldwide. "Interrupt This Program" delves into the underground art scenes around the world that are begging to be catalysts...