Plot: This documentary series follows the lives of British job seekers who have neurological conditions. Those featuring are diagnosed with various conditions such as Tourette's or autism, and they wish to make it known to employers that their circumstances shouldn't affect their ability to work. Episodes...
Plot: Urban designer and mobility expert Mikael Colville-Andersen travels around the world to meet people with ideas on bettering their cities and communities.
Plot: Journalist Mercedes Stephenson speaks to Canadians across the country, bringing their concerns to Ottawa and deconstructing key political issues.
Plot: "In the Making" is an immersive journey into the creative process of artists. Each episode follows an artist who could be from any walk of the creative spectrum, including visual art, film, music, dance or theater. Sean O'Neill visits these artists in a variety of places -- at home, in the studio,...
Plot: Veteran journalist Wendy Mesley fronts this Sunday morning news show from CBC's Toronto studio. The 30-minute program reveals what's really at play behind the big stories of the week, from political pressure and corporate interests to technological manipulation and old-fashioned spin. Mesley digs deep...
Plot: Hosted by longtime journalist and film producer Steve Paikin, "The Agenda" delves deep inside contemporary social, political, cultural and economic issues affecting Canadians through experts and newsmakers debating and analyzing the topics.