Plot: Widget is an animated television series created by Voltron creator Peter Keefe, directed and produced by Tom Burton of Zodiac Entertainment, which debuted in syndication on September 29, 1990. Wikipedia
Plot: Black Rubber Shoes is a Korean animated television show for children. The stories take place in the city of Seoul in the sixties/seventies of the 20th century. The title refers to black gomusin, shoes made of rubber which children frequently had to wear because they were cheap and lasted for long times...
Plot: Please! Psammea-don is a Japanese anime that was broadcast from 2 April 1985 to 4 February 1986 with a total of 78 episodes produced. This anime is based on the 1902 novel Five Children and It by English author Edith Nesbit. The anime differs from the novel in revolving around four children rather...
Plot: Time Travel Tondekeman is an anime series directed by Kunihiko Yuyama and Akira Sugino. It was written by Junki Takegami and produced by Animax network president Masao Takiyama. Logo Cake Entertainment It was originally broadcast by Fuji Television in Japan between 19 October 1989 and 26 August 1990...