Plot: Ang Yaman ni Lola is a Philippine television comedy reality show broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Nanette Inventor, it premiered on August 23, 2010 on the network's Afternoon Prime line up. The show concluded on January 21, 2011 with a total of 100 episodes. It was replaced by Alakdana in its timeslot...
Plot: OFW Diaries is a Philippine television documentary show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Kara David, it premiered on March 13, 2009 replacing Emergency. The show concluded on January 14, 2011 with a total of 104 episodes. It was replaced by Tunay na Buhay in its timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: Host Neil deGrasse Tyson chats with scientists and movie artists about how the science of the cosmos has amalgamated with popular culture to give rise to some of the best movies and television shows.
Plot: Bitoy's Funniest Videos is a Philippine television comedy show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Michael V., it premiered on July 3, 2004. The show concluded on October 10, 2009 with a total of 271 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Everybody Hapi is a Philippine situational comedy aired every Sunday night on TV5. The program's episodes within the year 2010 was re-aired on the same network from December 27, 2014 to April 25, 2015, Saturday nights at 9:00 pm. Wikipedia
Plot: Andres de Saya is a 2011 Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is a television adaptation of comic novel of Carlo J. Caparas. Directed by Cesar Cosme, it stars Cesar Montano and Iza Calzado. It premiered on May 28, 2011 replacing Mind Master. Wikipedia
Plot: Are You the Next Big Star? is a 2009 Philippine television reality competition show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Regine Velasquez and Keempee de Leon, it premiered on May 16, 2009 replacing Kakasa Ka Ba Sa Grade 5?. The show concluded on August 23, 2009 with a total of 16 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: SRO Cinemaserye is a Philippine television drama anthology broadcast by GMA Network. It premiered on March 26, 2009. The show concluded on April 8, 2010 with a total of 35 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Beh Bote Nga is a Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Janno Gibbs and Anjo Yllana, it premiered on March 9, 1999 on the network's KiliTV line up. The series concluded on April 23, 2003. It was replaced by Nuts Entertainment in its timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: JejeMom is a 2010 Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Dominic Zapata, it stars Eugene Domingo in the title role. It premiered on August 14, 2010 replacing Claudine. The series concluded on November 13, 2010 with a total of 14 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Diz Iz It! is a 2010 Philippine television variety show broadcast by GMA Network. Originally named as Todo Bigay, it premiered on February 8, 2010 replacing Kapuso Movie Festival. The show concluded on July 24, 2010 with a total of 127 episodes. It was replaced by Kapuso Movie Festival in its timeslot...
Plot: Ober Da Bakod is a Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Ariel Ureta, it stars Janno Gibbs, Leo Martinez and Anjo Yllana. It premiered on September 14, 1992. The series concluded on May 27, 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Asar Talo Lahat Panalo! is a 2010 Philippine television game show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Edu Manzano, it premiered on September 18, 2010. The show concluded on November 20, 2010 with a total of 55 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Nuts Entertainment is a Philippine television sketch comedy show broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Joey de Leon, Janno Gibbs and Anjo Yllana, it premiered on April 30, 2003 on the network's KiliTV line up. The show concluded on December 27, 2008 with a total of 608 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Show Me Da Manny is a Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Manny Pacquiao and Marian Rivera, it premiered on August 23, 2009 replacing Ful Haus. The series concluded on July 10, 2011 with a total of 98 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Bahay Mo Ba 'To? is a situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Wendell Ramos, it premiered on September 14, 2004 on the network's KiliTV line up. The series concluded on July 10, 2007 with a total of 148 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Comedy Bar is a Philippine television variety show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Eugene Domingo and Allan K., it premiered on April 24, 2010 replacing Cool Center. The show concluded on October 29, 2011 with a total of 77 episodes. It was replaced by Just for Laughs: Gags in its timeslot. Wikipedia...
Plot: Wachamakulit: 'Wag Matakot, Makibata! is a 2010 Philippine television game show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Eugene Domingo, it premiered on April 16, 2010. The show concluded on September 24, 2010 with a total of 24 episodes. Wikipedia