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Cooking With Chef Chekwa Vinice
Description: The chef shows how to prepare some of his favorite original dishes. Genre: Reality-TV Year Released: 2019 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 4 First episode air date: June 1, 2019 Cast: Chekwa Vinice
Plot: The critical component to any successful restaurant is, of course, the quality of the food, and great food starts with a great chef. In this series, Food Network star Anne Burrell lends her considerable culinary expertise to top restaurants that are looking to hire an executive chef. Each hourlong...
Plot: Celebrities often like to expand their horizons and try their hand at other professions outside of their comfort zone, like an athlete releasing a rap album. On "Star Plates," trying to show off new talents takes the stars into the kitchens of their favorite restaurants. In each episode, one celebrity...
Plot: Returning for a third season, "Recipe to Riches" moves to CBC Television. Featuring amateur cooks from across the country, the competition series showcases some of Canada's most delicious and original recipes. In each episode of the series, hosted by Carlo Rota and featuring judges Arlene Dickinson...
Plot: Promising junior chefs compete against senior executive chefs in numerous rounds which test their diverse culinary skills, with the hope of attaining glory.
Plot: Being able to deceive the competition is almost as important as cooking ability for the contestants. Four chefs enter the kitchen to participate in three head-to-head elimination rounds that award $10,000 to the winner in each episode. In the battles the chefs must create an appetizing dish that features...
Plot: Restaurateur Andi Oliver hosts the series where skilful amateur cooks compete with house chefs in fast-paced cook-offs to win a cash prize of up to 10 grand. Restaurateur Andi Oliver hosts the series where skilful amateur cooks compete with house chefs in fast-paced cook-offs to win a cash prize of...