Plot: 625 Lineas was a program broadcast on La Primera Cadena of Televisión Española on Sunday afternoons from November 18, 1976 to April 5, 1981. It provided interviews with television celebrities and reviewed television shows airing on Televisión Española's channels. It also included musical...
Plot: In each program, two celebrities were competing to guess words that were explained by small children with their own vocabulary. When a contestant guessed the word, he earned a strange puppet called "Gallifante". At the end, of the program, the contestant that had earned the highest amount of gallifantes...
Plot: The aftermath of Vivien's difficult labour is revealed and Ben makes plans to get out of the house. Some of the spirits have other plans and the family has to pull together to make it through these very tough changes. 300 Millones was a weekly Spanish TV program run between 26 June 1977 and 1983 on...
Plot: Targeted towards preschoolers, "Cleo & Cuquin" is an animated program based on the classic "Familia Telerin" cartoon. It follows the Telerin kids, Cleo and Cuquin and their friends Tete, Pelusin, Colitas, and Maripi. Together, these friends find ways to play together and use their imagination while...