Plot: `A Discovery of Witches' is a fantasy series based on the similarly-named novel of the `All Souls' trilogy, written by Deborah Harkness. Teresa Palmer portrays Diana Bishop, a historian who discovers a bewitched manuscript in the Bodleian library. As she attempts to unravel the secrets this book holds...
Plot: Valley of the Dolls is an American drama series that aired in Syndication that ran from June 13 until September 9, 1994 and ran for 65 episodes with a running time of around 30 minutes per episode. Wikipedia
Plot: Rob, a record-store owner in the rapidly gentrified Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, revisits past relationships through music and pop culture while trying to get over her one true love.
Plot: To find his true love and life partner, a bachelor dates a group of women, over several weeks, who compete in a series of challenges that are meant to prove their compatibility with him.
Plot: Quo Vadis? is a 1985 international television miniseries made by Radiotelevisione Italiana, Antenne 2, Polyphon Film- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Channel 4 Television, Televisión Española and Televisione Svizzera Italiana. It was directed by Franco Rossi and produced by Elio Scardamaglia and Francesco...
Plot: Eneide is a seven-episode 1971â1972 Italian television drama, adapted by Franco Rossi from Virgil's epic poem the Aeneid. It stars Giulio Brogi as Aeneas and Olga Karlatos as Dido, and also stars Alessandro Haber, Andrea Giordana and Marilù Tolo. Wikipedia