Plot: Scotland's early history is a real-life `Game of Thrones': a bloody saga of warring clans, assassinations, feuds, love and betrayal. Neil Oliver steps back in time to reveal the story of the ancient clans, exploring the efforts of Robert the Bruce to attain the Scottish crown, the ascension of Clan...
Plot: Exploring the design, construction, technology and armaments of history's great vessels of war and peace, from ancient Viking ships to modern aircraft carriers.
Plot: The secrets of the historic ships that shaped our island nation. A look at why these monumental vessels were originally built, and how daring, genius and dazzling invention led to Britain once becoming the world's greatest sea power.
Plot: The everyday heroes who shield the public from harm are introduced by presenters Julia Bradbury and Matt Allwright in `Keeping Britain Safe 24/7'. The programme is divided into four episodes, each one representing a season, as in `Autumn', which shows workers at a central London hospital that is facing...
Plot: Presented by Neil Oliver, A History of Scotland is a television series first broadcast in November 2008 on BBC One Scotland and later shown UK-wide on BBC Two during January 2009. The second series began on BBC One Scotland in early November 2009, with transmission at a later point on network BBC Two...
Plot: Panorama is a British current affairs documentary programme aired on BBC Television. First broadcast in 1953, it is the world's longest-running news television programme. Panorama has been presented by many well known BBC presenters, including Richard Dimbleby, Robin Day, David Dimbleby and Jeremy Vine...