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Comedy Showcase
Description: Showcasing some of the UK's best established and up-and-coming comedic talent. Genre: Comedy Year Released: 2007 Number of seasons: 3 Number of episodes: 19 First episode air date: October 5, 2007 Network: Channel 4 Genre: Comedy
Plot: Twenty-something Ben recently graduated and feels the world should be his oyster. But that's not how things work out for him as it feels as if the last three years of his life never happened. The reason? After graduating, Ben returns to his hometown to work on his, to date unformulated, dreams. In...
Plot: The people employed by Todd Ray don't mind being called `freaks'. In fact, they might even take it as a compliment. That's because `freak', according to Ray, means the most special, the unique, the magical creatures of the universe. And Ray looks all over the world for such creatures to add to his...
Plot: In a modern-day world full of superheroes, four friends stand out from the pack for ... being neurotic and inept. Especially in the presence of Devlin, aka "Excelsor," the most successful superhero in the United Kingdom, whose trash talking and put-downs of the four B-listers are among his best skills...
Plot: Kayvan Novak takes cold-calling to a new level. The British comedian stars in this award-winning comedy, with his voice doing most of the work. Disguised in a balaclava, he takes on various guises using strange voices as he pranks unsuspecting victims on the other end of the phone. Recurring characters...
Plot: Bad Sugar is a British comedy pilot, written by Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong, based on an idea by the show's stars Olivia Colman, Julia Davis and Sharon Horgan. The programme centres on a wealthy, dysfunctional British mining dynasty, and is a parody of telenovela-style melodramas and soap operas such...
Plot: UK High Street is a dangerous place to make a living, and no one knows that better than the staff of PhoneShop. With its top salesman back in jail, the mobile phone business in London needs a secret weapon to keep its status as `Kings of the High Street'. So manager Lance looks to new recruit Christopher...
Plot: It's 1914 and millions of men have shipped off to fight in the Great War, but some men have stayed behind. Three of the men who didn't go are in sleepy English village Rittle-on-Sea - Cecil, George and Bert. Cecil would be willing to fight in the war but is physically unable to because he has flat feet...
Plot: After Duncan James, an actor and member of the boy band Blue, steals Rob Black's girlfriend, he seeks revenge by trying to find the perfect plus one to bring to their wedding.
Plot: Dan is a teacher who may be less mature than his students - he can best be described as a child trapped in an adult's life - and his world is nearing a collapse. His friends are dysfunctional, including best friend Jo, who has just a loose grasp on reality. His girlfriend, Naomi, is quickly running...
Plot: Conor and Bronagh are twenty-something siblings from Northern Ireland who, along with friends Packy and Niamh, are trying to make their way through London life. Navigating the big city isn't easy for the foursome, especially because the rules they're playing by - rules that only they get - lead to a...
Plot: Todd Margaret is unqualified to sell anything, but that doesn't stop the part-time office temp from being tabbed to lead the London sales office of a new energy drink. (Unless the qualifications include being a compulsive liar, lacking any common sense and knowing nothing about British culture.) Todd...
Plot: A lightning-fast sketch show features the celebrity impressions of Kevin Bishop, predominently built around the world of TV, film and popular culture.
Plot: Newly divorced public relations executive Alex (Hank Azaria) can barely keeps things together. His co-worker, Helen (Kathryn Hahn), has convinced herself she has it all together, but she is actually obsessed with her late fiance. After a night of drinking, the two seek comfort in bed together -- lea...
Plot: This character-driven sketch comedy series starring comedy duo Anna Crilly and Katy Wix mixes their comedy creations with celebrity cameos and parodies of TV staples, including cookery, game and daytime talk shows. Among the recurring sketches is car wash company Ignition that features `Apprentice'-...