Plot: Cleopatra in Space is a comedic adventure focusing on the untold story of Cleopatra's teenage years. Viewers can follow Cleo as she is transported 30,000 years into the future, to an Egyptian-themed planet that is ruled by talking cats and where she discovers she is the prophesied savior of the future...
Plot: A humorous take on unsolved crimes, hauntings, and historical mysteries, as a conspiracy theorist tries to convince his sceptical friend that evidence isn't always what it appears to be.
Plot: This computer-animated series, based on the 2010 film "How to Train Your Dragon," follows the continuing adventures of young dragon trainer Hiccup and his loyal dragon companion, Toothless, on the island of Berk. The band of dragon trainers, who all now have dragons of their own, are also featured....
Plot: Historians and experts investigate various events, legends and texts throughout history that may contain evidence of contact between humans and extraterrestrial life.
Plot: "Naked Science" strips away the layers of a scientific investigation into one of the big mysteries of our time, revealing through expert analysis realistic scenarios that either confirm or deny long-held assumptions and misconceptions.
Plot: Kipo, a sheltered girl, gets a crash course in survival when a mutant attack sends her to the surface, far from the safety of her underground home.
Plot: Facing one misadventure after another, two rascally fourth-grade pals turn their ornery headmaster into Captain Underpants, a superhero looking to save the day.
Plot: Albie is here to help with life's most puzzling questions! Albie spends his time experimenting with inventions, and has lots of experts to call on.
Plot: `Mystery Hunters' is a reality show hosted by teenagers Araya and Christina, who travel to locations around the globe to investigate mysteries that include the existence of Bigfoot, vampires, mind control, the Bermuda Triangle and witches. Providing more of a scientific answer to the mysteries and...
Plot: You're familiar with their names and many of their stories, but there's more to most historical figures than what's in the basic textbooks. "Mystery Files" has modern historians, scientists and scholars investigate ancient artifacts, documents and locations in search of answers to age-old questions...