Plot: This series explores the natural landscape of Colombia and its extraordinary wildlife. With its location on the equator, and both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans on its border, the country is abounding with diverse geography. The show documents Colombia's exotic lands like the snow-capped mountain...
Plot: Exploring Colombia's wild coast, a natural fortress surrounded by shark-infested seas, blanketed in impenetrable jungle and teaming with deadly snakes.
Plot: This series explores the natural landscape of Colombia and its extraordinary wildlife. With its location on the equator, and both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans on its border, the country is abounding with diverse geography. The show documents Colombia's exotic lands like the snow-capped mountain...
Plot: In this programme, naturalist David Attenborough goes on a 500-million-year journey to track the rise of the vertebrates, which he considers one of the greatest stories in natural history. Attenborough uses recently uncovered fossil evidence from China, a region he has wanted to explore for a long...
Plot: "Into the Wild India" provides a journey into India's wilderness highlighting some of its most iconic creatures. India has many diverse habitats ranging from tundra to extreme desert, rainforest to urban jungle which provide varied ecological and geographical areas for many species to survive. Each...