Plot: Cape Disappointment, located at the mouth of the Columbia River in southwestern Washington, is the largest Coast Guard search-and-rescue station on the Northwest coast of the United States. And it's a busy station, with a number of shipwrecks each year near the river's entrance, which is known as "...
Plot: `Coast Guard Alaska' follows a team of Coast Guard swimmers and rescue pilots in the 50th state. The docuseries showcases how the brave men and women of the unit balance their work with their family lives and how each deals with the pressures associated with the job. The series also explores what life...
Plot: Part of CMT's Adventure Country block, "Danger Coast" follow the exploits of yet another group of ordinary people with out-of-the-ordinary jobs. This time it's the Miami-Dade Marine Operations Bureau in Florida, whose members lay their lives on the line over and over again as they strive to protect...
Plot: Following the men and women of the United States Coast Guard as they patrol and protect America's borders from drug runners, terrorists, and human traffickers, all while saving the lives of those in peril at sea.
Plot: Not all pilots are created equal. Some make routine flights with commercial or private aircraft. Others are more extreme in their flying. Those pilots are at the center of this docuseries, which chronicles an elite group of adrenaline-seeking pilots -- part of Wings of Eagles Aircraft Delivery -- who...
Plot: Mining the waters off the Alabama coast in search of shrimp, or "saltwater gold," as the shrimpers call them, is a treacherous job for the crews who work for the popular Dominick's Seafood, owned by Dominick Ficarino, in Bayou La Batre, Ala. This series follows the captains and crews of three of Dominick...
Plot: Iron Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was co-created by writer and editor Stan Lee, developed by scripter Larry Lieber, and designed by artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby. Wikipedia