Plot: Specialist is a Japanese television drama series that premiered on TV Asahi on 14 January 2016. It was previously aired as Saturday Night drama from 2013 to 2015. In this drama, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, a member of SMAP, played the lead role, Kaho Minami, YÅ«ta Hiraoka and Natsuna appeared in supporting...
Plot: "Televizní Noviny" on TV Nova have been the most watched news program in the Czech Republic. Hosted by the always pair of moderators (man and woman).
Plot: Rodinná pouta is a Czech soap opera that was produced and broadcast by Prima and aired from 2004 to 2006. In the Czech language Rodinná pouta means family ties. Wikipedia
Plot: Duel is a 2017 South Korean television series starring Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong and Seo Eun-soo. It aired on OCN from June 3 to July 23, 2017 on Saturdays and Sundays at 22:00 for 16 episodes. Wikipedia