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Closing Bell

Closing Bell

Description: Anything can happen between the bells of the trading day. But what happens during the last hour could be what matters most. CNBC's "Closing Bell" guides viewers through that important hour and takes a close-up look at how the markets are moving, what's driving them and how investors are reacting. Live coverage includes reports from the CME Group, Nasdaq and the NYSE. Analysts, money managers and CEOs explain their strategies, share opinions, and provide an inside perspective on breaking news stories. In addition, "Closing Bell" provides instant analysis of corporate profit reports, as soon as they break, during the quarterly earning seasons. Features include interviews with entrepreneurs, plus an inside look at how executives and high net worth individuals spend their time and money.
Genre: News
Year Released: 2001
First episode air date: October 1, 2001
Network: CNBC
Language: English
Presented By: Wilfred Frost, Sara Eisen
Predecessor: Market Wrap
Genres: Business, News program
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