Plot: "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List" chronicles actress-comic Griffin's attempts to stay in the spotlight despite her relatively low "celebrity status." Not all stars are treated the same: Griffin is forced to make up a "dying aunt" in order to procure a free piece of furniture, for instance -- and...
Plot: Ovation TV airs new episodes of the award-winning series during which rotating guest hosts take turns interviewing acclaimed actors in front of an audience of students of the Actors Studio Drama School. Series creator and former host James Lipton says, "It's very gratifying to see the legacy of "Inside...
Plot: Aussie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is an Australian reality television series that was based on the original and hugely popular American series, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Wikipedia
Plot: The Great War is a history YouTube channel and web series which covered the events of World War I week-by-week from July 2014 to November 2018, now focusing on the events that followed it in longer episodes. The series debuted on July 28, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Reality series follows Sara Duffy, a concierge who runs a high-end travel service catering to the elite, many of which are as demanding and eccentric as Sara.
Plot: Following eight weeks of training, six celebrities perform alongside professional circus entertainers before a panel of judges and a live studio audience, with the home viewing audience voting on which stars are the best and which will be sent home at the end of each episode.
Plot: The privileged lives led by the "in" crowd at an elite Manhattan high school are chronicled in this reality series, from the shopping, studying and dating to the expensive vacations they take and the exclusive midnight parties they attend. The series introduces viewers to the teens' families, their...
Plot: Welcome to the Chop Shop, the punked-out "salon" in Vancouver, British Columbia, with a permanent sneer and a heart of gold. This cutting-edge docu-soap follows owner Daniel Hudon and his motley crew of stylists as they get into one another's hair each day.
Plot: Bob and Cortney Novogratz are the owners of Sixx Design in New York. The couple for years had taken wrecked buildings and made them fabulous, living in them for a while, then selling and moving on. After a few such exchanges, they decided to make it the family business, and Sixx Design was born. Why...