Plot: "Hot Shots" follows the exploits of the world's greatest competitive shooters, both on and off the range. The character-driven story lines feature a roster of talent that includes legendary competitive shooter Jerry Miculek, a 19-time International Revolver Championship winner; world record-holding...
Plot: Putri yang Ditukar is an Indonesian television serial. It is the third long-running drama with 676 episodes after Cinta Fitri with 1002 episodes. It was formerly the second long-running drama until Tukang Bubur Naik Haji The Series broke the record with 2185 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Maggie Q stars as Nikita, a young woman who was rescued from death row by a secret government agency known as Division. Division faked Nikita's execution, giving her a chance to start a new life and serve her country. At least, that's what she is told. In reality, she is trained to be a spy and assassin...