Plot: Dahsyat is an Indonesian television show broadcast daily on Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia. The first episode of Dahsyat aired on 24 March 2008 to 19 January 2018. The show broadcasts subject matter related to music, and each show is two hours long. Wikipedia
Plot: Cinta Fitri is an Indonesian television series with 7 seasons and 1,002 episodes that ran for 4 years. It was produced by MD Entertainment headed by Manoj Punjabi and Dhamoo Punjabi. It aired at 20:30 on SCTV between 2 April 2007 until 28 November 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Young Cinderella, struggling with abuse from her stepmother and stepsisters, receives help from her fairy godmother and animal friends while finding adventure and romance with a dashing man who hides the fact that he is a prince.