Plot: The Heavenly Swordsman and the Spoiled is a 1986 Hong Kong wuxia television miniseries produced by TVB and starring Andy Lau. The 3-episode series originally aired on TVB Jade from 5 to 19 January 1986 on Sundays. For its VCD release, the series was editied together into a television film. Wikipedia...
Plot: This is the story of 2 men, one a police and other a mafia gang leader- both were switched at birth due to a revenge plan made by the mother of gang leader and raises her enemy's son to make him kill his own father. What will be the fate of these 2? This is the story of 2 men, one a police and other...
Plot: Sut Saneha is a 2009 Thai lakorn, based on best selling novel by famous author King Chat, starring Theeradej Wongpuapan, Ann Thongprasom, Willy McIntosh and Sonia Couling that originally aired on Channel 3. Wikipedia