Plot: 120 Minutes is a television program in the United States dedicated to the alternative music genre, that originally aired on MTV from 1986 to 2000, and then aired on MTV's associate channel MTV2 from 2001 to 2003. After its cancellation, MTV2 premiered a replacement program called Subterranean. Wikipedia...
Plot: A staple of MTV's programming lineup in the 1990s, `Unplugged' features popular artists performing acoustic -- or unplugged -- versions of some of their biggest hits, offering their fans a chance to experience favourite tunes in a new way. Name recognition isn't in short supply on the show as many...
Plot: When Vice magazine first started, all it cared about was sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. But as it started traveling around the world, it got more into politics, culture, fashion, art, the environment. Basically, everything - The Vice Guide To Everything. When Vice magazine first started, all it cared...
Plot: MTV Rock N' Jock was a television series on MTV featuring actors, musicians, and other entertainers playing sports with professional athletes. The original episode was called The MTV Rock N' Jock Diamond Derby, and was changed to MTV's Rock N' Jock Softball Challenge, in year 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Where Are They Now? is a television series on VH1 that featured past celebrities and updated on their current professional and personal status. Each episode was dedicated to another genre. Though not always in sequence, some episodes were a continuation of the motif of episodes from the past. Wikipedia...
Plot: America: A Tribute to Heroes was a benefit concert created by the heads of the four major American broadcast networks; Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS. Joel Gallen was selected by them to produce and run the show. Actor George Clooney organised celebrities to perform and to staff the telephone bank. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dora, a seven-year-old girl of Latin American descent, embarks upon numerous adventures in the wilderness with her friend Boots, a monkey, and a variety of fun and useful tools.
Plot: The romantic comedy "Faking It" uses a liberal Texas community and a high-school-age cast to present a commentary on sexual orientation, tolerance and acceptance among young people today. Karma and Amy are inseparable friends who rely on their bond for comfort and support. In fact, they are so close...