Plot: Justin Rowlatt investigates the spread of Chinese influence around the planet. In Rio, local industries, including bikini factories, are threatened by cheap Chinese imports. In the Amazon, Justin witnesses the phenomenal impact of the Chinese hunger for resources on the indigenous people and the env...
Plot: As a mechanic and motorcycle racer, Guy Martin has a love for industry and technology. In a bid to gain a better understanding of his passions, Guy goes to China, known as the `workshop of the world'. Going off the usual beaten track to explore a side of China that is rarely seen by outsiders, Guy...
Plot: In this three-part miniseries, Billie JD Porter travels to China to discover what life is really like in the highly populated country. Along her journey Billie stops at the Great Wall of China, makes her way through the megacities and also visits a tropical island. The presenter meets people along the...
Plot: Reggie Yates travels to China and visits four very different cities, all at the forefront of the modern nation, to discover the new fault-lines in society and how they affect a generation who have grown up with seemingly more freedom than that of any other in the last 70 years.
Plot: English historian Michael Wood explores China's heritage in this travelogue series. The presenter goes back in time to discover the stories and people who have shaped the landscape, and the culture, of today's superpower. Wood begins his journey in Wuxi, where 300 relatives of the Qin family congregate...
Plot: Anita Rani and Justin Rowlatt embark on separate road trips across Russia, starting from Sochi. Along the way they meet different people and participate in many events.