Plot: At a home for rescued baby chimps in Liberia, orphans from the illegal pet trade receive round-the-clock care. Couple Jim and Jenny Desmond never planned to become surrogate parents to 21 chimpanzees, but now their home is bursting at the seams. Their dream is to build them all a new sanctuary in the...
Plot: Resident capuchin TJ joins the new Chile arrivals, but he seems to be in a mischievous mood, and Alpha male chimp Paddy has to step in and keep his unruly troop in line. Elsewhere, orangutan Amy is pregnant, but no one knows if she will able to care for her baby when it is born, and it's teeth-cleaning...
Plot: Three teams of specialists file weekly reports on the family life of cheetahs, lions and leopards at a camp in the heart of Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.
Plot: Chimp Haven is one of the largest and most unique wildlife sanctuaries in the world -- a 200-acre refuge tucked deep in the forested heart of Louisiana, which is home to more than 300 chimpanzees.