Plot: Front Page Challenge was a Canadian panel game about current events and history. Created by comedy writer/performer John Aylesworth and produced and aired by CBC Television, the series ran from 1957 to 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Father Morgan Thomas has a secret he can no longer contain. Although he's responsible for the faith of the parishioners of All Souls Church, Morgan is tortured by the fact that he no longer believes in God.
Plot: Jake is a talented musician and also blind. When his family moves from New York to Utah he must find another hobby which will help him make friends. He discovers wrestling is one of the few sports where blind people compete on the same level as sighted ones, so becomes a wrestler. As his team improves...
Plot: Carol Creighton Burnett is an American actress, comedian, singer, and writer, whose career spans seven decades of television. She is best known for her groundbreaking comedy variety show, The Carol Burnett Show, originally aired on CBS. It was one of the first of its kind to be hosted by a woman. Wikipedia...
Plot: Flip Wilson hosts this variety show, a mix of skits, musical acts and famous guests. Famous characters include Geraldine Jones - a sassy, modern woman who had a boyfriend named Killer (who, when not in prison, was at the pool hall) - and Reverend Leroy, the minister of the Church of What's Happening...
Plot: Short-lived show starring Dick Van Dyke and assorted guests. The show also featured a recurring segment about the dumbest family in the world. Short-lived show starring Dick Van Dyke and assorted guests. The show also featured a recurring segment about the dumbest family in the world.
Plot: Comedy duo Dan Rowan and Dick Martin host this fast-moving comedy series. Characters include Lily Tomlin's Ernestine the Operator, Arte Johnson's German soldier who finds everything "verrrrrry interesting" and Ruth Buzzi's feisty little old lady. Recurring sketches include Laugh-In Looks at the News...
Plot: "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour" is a blend of music, comic banter between its two married stars, broad comedy sketches and, of course, Cher's outrageous costumes designed by Bob Mackie. Each episode concludes with the couple singing their hit, "I Got You, Babe" to each other, frequently bringing daughter...
Plot: The Andy Williams Show was an American television variety show that ran from 1962 to 1971 and had a short-lived run in syndication beginning in the fall of 1976. It was hosted by crooner Andy Williams. Wikipedia
Plot: The Sonny Comedy Revue, starring Sonny Bono, was a variety show that aired on ABC in 1974 for one season. It was his first solo effort after the end of his marriage to Cher and the resulting cancellation of their variety show The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour. Wikipedia
Plot: Cher... Special is a television special starring American singer/actress Cher that was broadcast on ABC on April 3, 1978 at 9:00 pm ET/PT and was recorded at ABC Studios in Burbank, California. Cher ... Special was a ratings success for ABC and it was ranked among the Top 10 most watched programs of...
Plot: Cher is an American singer, actress and television personality. Commonly referred to by the media as the "Goddess of Pop", she has been described as embodying female autonomy in a male-dominated industry. Wikipedia