Plot: Based on the novel of the same name by Julie Burchill, `Sugar Rush' follows the trials and tribulations of teenager Kim, who is dealing with all the usual adolescent issues, plus one - she thinks she might be gay. Her family has recently moved to Brighton from London, and she finds herself with a huge...
Plot: "The Final Table" is one of the most ambitious culinary competitions in the genre. The first season features 12 pairs of chefs from around the world preparing national dishes from a number of nations, including Mexico, Spain, England, Japan, India and the U.S. Each episode puts the focus on a specific...
Plot: "Big Brother" meets "Catfish" on this reality series on which not everything is as it seems. Comic Michelle Buteau hosts the show that features its contestants moving into the same apartment building. The twist is that the players never meet face-to-face during the competition, as each one lives in...