Plot: "The Cosby Show" centers on the lives of the Huxtables: obstetrician Cliff and his lawyer wife Claire, their daughters Sondra, Denise, Vanessa and Rudy, and son Theo. Based on the standup comedy of Bill Cosby, the show focused on his observations of family life. Although based on comedy, the series...
Plot: Donald Draper, the creative director at Sterling Cooper in New York, tries to maintain a balance between his exceptional professional life and wavering personal life in the 1960s.
Plot: With a dry sense of humour and the insight one gains with maturity, a grown-up Kevin provides funny commentary on himself as a young boy trying to cope with the bizarre world of a teenager.
Plot: Explore life, death and everything in between through the relatable, hilarious and brutally honest lens of the working-class Conner household, which is located in the drab, fictional exurb of Langford, Ill. With the inimitable Roseanne Barr at its epicenter as the family's matriarch, the series tackles...
Plot: "All in the Family" is touted as the series that brought reality to prime-time TV entertainment. The lead character, Archie Bunker, is a loudmouthed, uneducated bigot who believes in every stereotype he has ever heard. His wife, Edith, is sweet but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They and their...
Plot: Eleanor, a deceased saleswoman who lived a morally corrupt life, finds herself in a heaven-like afterlife in a case of mistaken identity and tries to hide her past in order to stay there.
Plot: Girls from different parts of the country participate in a series of contests and demonstrate their unique skills and talent to win the coveted title.
Plot: Three modern-day families from California try to deal with their kids, quirky spouses and jobs in their own unique ways, often falling into hilarious situations.
Plot: Working-class father Homer Simpson and his dysfunctional family deal with comical situations and the ups-and-downs of life in the town of Springfield.
Plot: Mary Richards, a single career-oriented woman, moves to Minneapolis after she separates from her partner. She gets a new job but continues to struggle with romance.
Plot: Will, a gay lawyer, allows his best friend Grace, an interior designer, to stay in his house for a temporary period after her marriage falls apart. But she ends up being his permanent roommate.
Plot: Raymond Barone, a successful sportswriter, has obnoxious parents and a jealous brother. Nevertheless, he manages to keep a bright outlook and a sense of humour as he balances his family and work life.
Plot: A group of doctors and other staff members stationed at an army hospital in South Korea overcome several difficulties in hilarious ways during the Korean War.
Plot: Stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld wrestles with life's most perplexing yet trivial questions with his eccentric friends George, Elaine and Kramer.
Plot: Very loosely based on a 1940s movie character created by Clifton Webb, this family sitcom is set in the suburban Pittsburgh home of the Owens family, where dapper English housekeeper Lynn Belvedere draws on a history of service to such distinguished figures as Winston Churchill to keep things running...
Plot: Follow the lives of six reckless adults living in Manhattan, as they indulge in adventures which make their lives both troublesome and happening.
Plot: Series creator Linda Bloodworth-Thomason uses the fictional Atlanta design firm of Sugarbaker and Associates as a witty bully pulpit for caustic social and political humor. The founder of the company is Julia Sugarbaker, a sharp-tongued but elegant and surprisingly compassionate woman. Her younger...
Plot: Veronica "Ronnie" Chase owns Veronica's Closet, a lingerie and book company designed to keep romance alive. After leaving her womanizing husband, she receives the support of her top executive, Olive, devoted assistant Josh, and pretty publicist Perry, to help run the company and her personal life.
Plot: Honorable Judge Harry T. Stone is a young, hip, jeans-wearing liberal eccentric presiding over the night shift of a Manhattan courtroom -- which means his views on various cases aren't always normal, nor are his judgments. Helping him manage the chaos is not-so-bright yet softhearted courtroom guard...
Plot: Louie De Palma, a taxi dispatcher, and the employees of a taxicab company deal with the trials and tribulations of life together after they form a great bond over time.
Plot: Dr. John Becker is easily annoyed -- by noisy neighbors, a ridiculous comment, a flickering streetlight, the antics of his misfit staff members. He's a talented and dedicated doctor and goes the extra mile for those in need, but he doesn't waste a chance to give anyone a piece of his mind.
Plot: Two brothers, Joe and Brian Hackett, run a one-plane commuter service from a small Nantucket airport. Along with Joe's on-again/off-again girlfriend, there are more hilarious and eccentric characters who work out of or at the airport.
Plot: The Tortellis is an American sitcom television series and the first spin-off of Cheers, starring Dan Hedaya and Jean Kasem. It aired on NBC from January 22 to May 12, 1987. Wikipedia