Plot: An in-depth look at the work carried out by some of the United Kingdom's finest and most skilled surgeons. Granted behind-the-scenes access to the surgical unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, this series captures in detail the level of hard work and concentration required by those working...
Plot: Heartbreaking and groundbreaking stories emerge from the Special Delivery Unit at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where doctors perform rare surgeries on babies inside the womb. This three-part documentary includes real-time footage of operations on fetuses and profiles the families who have...
Plot: This observational documentary series explores the operations of several medical centres across Britain, including the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Fixed-rig cameras that are fitted to beds follow visiting patients, tracking their personal experiences as doctors and nurses examine ailments...
Plot: People undergo cosmetic surgery because they want to improve their appearance, but it doesn't always work out the way they want it to. When a surgery is botched, the patient sometimes turns to renowned plastic surgeons to fix the problem. In this celebrity edition of the show `Botched Up Bodies', familiar...
Plot: Following some of Britain's busiest and best air ambulance teams as they carry out lifesaving services and hospital-level treatment wherever and whenever required, this inspiring and moving series offers a rare, behind-the-scenes insight into some of the situations the UK's air emergency workers must...
Plot: Actress Angela Griffin turns the cameras around and shines a spotlight on the heroes of Britain's emergency services. The `Coronation Street' and `Waterloo Road' star joins the paramedics of the West Midlands Ambulance Service as the servicemen and women make the rounds in such cities as Coventry,...
Plot: A group of nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s deal with the pressures of their day-to-day lives while trying to cope with the changes in the world around them.