Plot: 32. Gün was a Turkish national and international television news show. Launched in 1985 by Mehmet Ali Birand, it was Turkey's longest-running and most influential news programme. Originally aired on TRT 1, it then moved to private channels, moving home several times. Contributors to 32. Wikipedia...
Plot: Bizimkiler was a Turkish drama, represented the lives of the people who shared the same neighborhood. It is also the name of musical project run by ANS TV. The show is development of the movie Kapıcılar Kralı for which Umur Bugay who is the creator of the tv series, was the screenwriter. Wikipedia...
Plot: Istanbul - In this city of 20 million, crime is endless sin too. Some will sin, others will cover them. Ali Kemal, who forgot his own truth to cover the lies of others, will face his own reality when he falls in love.