Plot: For many, the ideal summer holiday conjures images of blue skies, sandy beaches and scorching temperatures. For Ryan Clark-Neal, however, he is swapping his summer holidays for a ghost tour of Europe and is bringing his celebrity friends along for the spooky ride. The gang come face-to-face with unexplained...
Plot: Five celebrity friends take a trip down to Spain to check out the famous Costa Blanca and see what exactly draws over five million Britons to the area every year. Anne Diamond, Nick Owen, Ainsley Harriott, Christine Hamilton and Vicki Michelle book themselves a villa to serve as their home base, from...
Plot: Taking to the British waters, in this series, are four celebrities including Lorraine Chase, Nigel Havers, Debbie McGee and Simon Callow. The stars are thrown into the deep-end as they embark on two extensive canal journeys. Though Debbie and Nigel have driven boats before, it is their first time navigating...
Plot: Being a celebrity often adds complications and drama to personal relationships, which in some cases makes already-strenuous connections even more fragile. In this series, therapist Debbie Magids helps celebrity mother-daughter pairs with broken relationships. The family pairs air their dirty laundry...