Plot: For two decades, Laura McKenzie has become known as one of the nation's top travel correspondents, reporting for notable TV and radio shows across the country. Now on her own show, McKenzie travels to first-class destinations around the world to bring those far-off destinations to viewers in their...
Plot: Dr Leward Wonder and his friends offer religious discourses about the Bible and Jesus Christ to people and also explain the underlying meanings of the verses.
Plot: Through the Bible with Les Feldick is a television series produced by KWGB-TV in Tulsa, Oklahoma and hosted by Les Feldick, airing nationwide in syndication. Wikipedia
Plot: Bible teacher Joyce Meyer reaches out to both Christians and non-Christians, as she illustrates how to make each day better by applying biblical principles to every activity.
Plot: Long-running sitcom "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," based on a radio show of the same name, is one of the shows from the period that epitomized the values of the 1950s and early '60s through the all-American nuclear family. The series stars real-life married couple Ozzie and Harriet Nelson as...