Description: Tetsuya finds and destroys robots that try to take over the world. Genre: Animation Year Released: 1973 First episode air date: October 1973 Episodes: 35 Program Creator: Tatsuo Yoshida Cast: Kenji Utsumi, GorΕ Naya, Ikuo Nishikawa, Reiko MutΕ, MORE
Plot: The Rover K-series engine is a series of internal combustion engines built by Powertrain Ltd, a sister company of MG Rover. The engine was a straight-four cylinder built in two forms, SOHC and DOHC, ranging from 1.1 to 1.8 L; 67.9 to 109.6 cu in. Wikipedia
Plot: Three struggling sisters attempt to survive in a desolate world surrounded by decay and red fog. In the mysterious world, the sisters must navigate the new world around them and keep themselves safe from danger.
Plot: A 17-year-old boy from the last surviving city on Earth holds the key to stopping an alien invasion: a giant fighting machine that obeys his commands.