Plot: This six-part documentary series explores the stories behind Britain's notorious bank heists. Each episode focuses on a different crime that made headlines when security was breached. Drama reconstructions replay the events as they are believed to have happened. The bank robberies are discussed from...
Plot: Evil Genius: The True Story of America's Most Diabolical Bank Heist is a 2018 true crime documentary series about the death of Brian Wells, a high-profile 2003 incident often referred to as the "collar bomb" or "pizza bomber" case. It was released on Netflix as a four-part series on May 11, 2018. Wikipedia...
Plot: There are manipulators in the midst, scheming right under everyone's noses. Even with people trusted the most, there may be something sinister lying beneath the surface -- a plot set in motion by someone close with a deadly motive. This true-crime series tells stories of actual murders committed not...
Plot: Delving deep into the maritime murders that take place in a lawless world on the sea where jealousy, greed and rage rise to the surface, breaking through the beauty and tranquility of the sea.
Plot: A group of thieves, led by professional thief Mickey O'Neil, plans one of the biggest, most-elaborate heists in history -- simultaneous robberies of three jewelry stores on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, during the week of the Oscars, that might bring them millions of dollars. A dogged detective, how...
Plot: As opposed to its sister series "See No Evil," which details unlawful activity rooted out with the aid of surveillance cameras, "Hear No Evil" uses authentic audio recorded at crime scenes to build each episode's narrative. The recordings, captured by victims' families, investigators and the killers...
Plot: Veteran journalist MarÃa Elena Salinas has made a name for herself in the Spanish-speaking community as a longtime news anchor on Univision. In this series, she goes from reporting the news to investigating it as she goes beyond the headlines to uncover the truth about headline-making crimes. Salinas...