Plot: Hosted by Quentin Willson and Jodie Kidd, The Classic Car Show is a brand new television series that provides unprecedented access to the iconic cars, personalities and events that underpin the classic car world.
Plot: Entrepreneur and car specialist Mario Pacione teams up with automotive manager and technical engineer Bernie Fineman to restore six iconic cars, including a Jaguar, Porsche, Mini Cooper and Mustang. In each episode, Pacione and Fineman search scrapyards, wastelands and backyards for broken-down rust...
Plot: Christopher Timothy and Peter Davison, stars of the long-running and well-loved comedy-drama `All Creatures Great and Small', share a love of motors. Together, the pair embark on a series of journeys around Britain, exploring beautiful areas of the country and experiencing a number of classic vehicles...
Plot: Need a classic car? If you're in Miami, where old-time autos fit in perfectly with the city's glitz and glamour, Ted Vernon is the man to see. The no-nonsense, gregarious Long Islander runs Florida's largest classic car dealership, where he buys, sells, trades and exchanges unique cars from a lot that...
Plot: In a multibillion dollar industry, the Guild of Automotive Restorers tries to get a piece of the pie by completing any task put before it. Through preservation, restoration and selling some of the world's greatest cars, the team at the Guild has gained an internationally acknowledged reputation. Owner...
Plot: "Cuban Chrome" is the first American TV production to be filmed entirely on location in Cuba. The docuseries explores a fascinating time warp that characterizes Cuban car culture, dating to the U.S.-imposed embargo in 1960 that prohibited all American exports to the island nation except for food and...
Plot: This reimagined U.S. version of "Top Gear" gives a nod to its British roots while introducing new elements to the long-running franchise. In addition to reviewing exclusive and state-of-the-art vehicles, the series pays tribute to America's rich automotive history by reviewing culture-defining vehicles...