Plot: Tamer Wa Shaw'eyyah is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed El-Fishawy and May Kassab. The screenplay was written by: Amr Samir Atef - Twitter Alasfory - Ayman Ahmed Khalaf Directed by: Osama Al Abd Wikipedia
Plot: The show, Women's Prison, tells the stories of three women who suffer from life's hardships. In a time where there were political, social, and economic unrest. Each of them decides to commit an unlawful crime that causes her to be sent to prison. Alongside their stories, the stories of the people around...
Plot: A Syrian comedy series, that deals with several stories and tales in a comedic style that is critical and satirical, and criticises the social and political conditions, Maraya is one of the top Arabian series of all time.
Plot: Tamer Wa Shaw'eyyah is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed El-Fishawy and May Kassab. The screenplay was written by: Amr Samir Atef - Twitter Alasfory - Ayman Ahmed Khalaf Directed by: Osama Al Abd Wikipedia