Plot: "The Looming Tower" traces the rising threat of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida in the late '90s and how a rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the time period may have inadvertently set the path for the attacks of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington...
Plot: This gritty drama follows unlikely tech entrepreneurs behind a brilliant idea, and a powerful FBI agent ("Sherlock" star Martin Freeman) who can make or break those he comes in contact with -- not always for the right reasons. Set in Miami, Izzy Morales creates a revolutionary, unregulated digital...
Plot: Aaron Benjamin Sorkin is an American screenwriter, director, producer, and playwright. Born in New York City, Sorkin developed a passion for writing at an early age. Wikipedia
Plot: This documentary tells the story of modern America through the life of one man -- President Donald Trump. The four-episode series shows how he has embodied many of the movements that have shaped American society since the 1960s, including capitalism, political disenfranchisement, reality TV and social...
Plot: News site Vox is behind this series that puts the spotlight on topical issues that impact people's lives. The docuseries -- which features episodes that generally range from 15 to 20 minutes in length -- aims to dig deeper into topics, questions and ideas that aren't often part of the daily news cycle...
Plot: From a storyline conceived by bestselling author Jo NesbΓΒΈ, `Occupied' focuses on political and environmental issues affecting Scandinavia. The ten-part Nordic drama is based in the near future, when environmental concerns prompt the Norwegian government to stop all oil and gas production in the...
Plot: Former Senator Selina Meyer gets an opportunity to serve as the Vice President of the United States. She tries to prevent various political uproars while juggling her public as well as private life.
Plot: Ben Epstein and his friend, Cam Calderon, are business partners who wish to make it big. Further, they face various challenges when they start a fashion company in New York City.