Plot: In the Second World War, the Canadian Corps fought bravely, often desperately, in crucial but unglamorous campaigns -- campaigns now largely forgotten. Military historian Norm Christie takes viewers back to the battlefields of World War II to relive the exploits of one of Canada's greatest generations...
Plot: Six years in the making, Ken Burns' seven-part documentary series chronicles the horrifying historical impact of World War II from an American perspective by focusing on the personal stories of private citizens from four American towns: Waterbury, Connecticut; Mobile, Alabama; Sacramento, California...
Plot: A six-hour programme details events during three decades in which two world wars caused terrible death and devastation. It depicts the battles through the eyes of powerful men like Roosevelt, Hitler and Mussolini. The documentary shows the conflicts in a continuous timeline from 1914 to 1945, with the...
Plot: Using newly discovered colour footage - much of which has never been seen - this special chronicles one of the most critical military operations of World War II.
Plot: Previously unseen footage from World War II, culled from archives and private collections and converted to high-definition, offers insight on the lives of some of the soldiers, medics and journalists who lived through the war. Stars like LL Cool J, Justin Bartha and Rob Lowe give voice to the wartime...
Plot: This nine-part series is the work that made documentarian Ken Burns a household name. Burns uses contemporary cinematography in addition to thousands of archival photographs, paintings and newspaper images set to music to teach people about the Civil War. A number of well-known actors and actresses...
Plot: Historical documentary featuring archive footage charting the First World War's aftermath. Traumatised by combat and the scourge of Spanish flu, demobilised soldiers returned home to the four corners of a war-shattered world.
Plot: Documentary telling the full story of World War II with the aid of rare and unseen archive footage, recently released official documents, modern colourisation techniques, state-of-the-art satellite-delivered terrain mapping and graphics.