Plot: This ensemble comedy/drama revolves around Brett Parker, a brilliant but morally empty sports agent who begins to find redemption in spite of himself when he moves back to his hometown to run a struggling, low-end NHL franchise. Once there, he discovers that redemption is not as easy to find. This ensemble...
Plot: Circle Square was a Canadian children's television series that ran from 1974 to 1986. Crossroads Christian Communications produced the series in cooperation with its Circle Square Ranch network of summer camps for children. Wikipedia
Plot: Quirky yet well-versed host Jay Ingram and co-host Ziya Tong demystify the magical wonders of science and its everyday applications. In an attempt to bridge the gap between the lab and living room, they help keep everyone abreast of the newest high-tech gadgets, the science of food and a plethora of...
Plot: Time to weed out the good from the bad (and the ugly) on a quest to find Canada's next singing sensation on the sixth season of "Canadian Idol." Ben Mulroney returns as host of this season which, like its predecessors, opens with the sometimes funny and frequently painful audition rounds, as judges...
Plot: Formerly a block of several hours of news coverage airing daily, including weekends, "MSNBC Live" is now the title of an hourlong show providing breaking news coverage weekday mornings. Journalist Thomas Roberts anchors the show that includes analysis and interviews surrounding the news of the day. "...
Plot: A nightly, half-hour entertainment newsmagazine that began as a segment on sister show "Entertainment Tonight," "The Insider" shares with viewers the details of celebrity life with first-person interviews, behind-the-scenes reports, and "inside" information.
Plot: The title of this travel show can be taken literally, as after more than 20 years as host of nationally broadcast news and current affairs programs, Valerie Pringle left the comfort of her interview chair for the chance to chase her dreams on the road. Each episode follows Pringle on a fun and fascinating...
Plot: A syndicated newsmagazine includes investigative reports, interviews with newsmakers, human interest stories, and celebrity and pop-culture features. The long-running series, which premiered in 1989, has been anchored by Deborah Norville since 1995. Prior to Norville taking the helm, the show was anchored...
Plot: CHRO-TV, VHF analogue channel 5, is a CTV 2 owned-and-operated television station licensed to Pembroke, Ontario, Canada. The station is owned by the Bell Media subsidiary of BCE Inc., as part of a twinstick with Ottawa-licensed CTV owned-and-operated station CJOH-DT. Wikipedia
Plot: Midday is an Australian award-winning daytime television program, based on the variety format that aired on the Nine Network on 11 February 1985 until 27 November 1998. The show aired, like its title suggests, at noon, on a weekday schedule, and was a 90-minute variety programme with international...
Plot: Covering tough, relevant stories with fair and responsible reporting. Avery Haines is the host of the most-watched documentary program in Canada.
Plot: The Social is a Canadian daytime television talk show, which airs weekday afternoons on CTV and CTV 2. Using a panel format similar to American talk shows such as The View or The Talk, the show is hosted by Melissa Grelo, Lainey Lui, and Cynthia Loyst. On Friday editions, Jessica Allen serves as an...
Plot: Host Danielle Graham dishes the daily gossip and celebrity news from home and abroad. Roving reporters and Hollywood correspondents provide must-have details on the hottest scoops.
Plot: After 19 years as the face of "CityLine," Gemini Award-winning host Marilyn Denis returns to daytime TV with her own show. It's a mix of lifestyle and entertainment segments featuring experts and celebrity guests, giving the popular Denis one hour each day to -- as she says -- "reconnect with fans...
Plot: Hosts Evan Solomon and Carole MacNeil bring viewers up-to-date with the week's look at Canadian and international current affairs. Solomon and MacNeil also offer news stories from CBC correspondents with engaging interviews and finely crafted documentaries.
Plot: "Entertainment Tonight Canada" is one of the nation's top entertainment programs, delivering in-depth and breaking celebrity, film, television and music news, both on-air and online. Together with celebrity news trailblazer "Entertainment Tonight," "ET Canada" delivers a popular hour of entertainment...
Plot: "Question Period," which takes its name from a part of the parliamentary process, is an interview and panel-discussion program. Hosted by Evan Solomon, this must-see program for political junkies raises the hot-button issues and demands accountability from Canada's politicians. Each Sunday, Fife is...