Plot: This three-part series takes a look at locations that feature some of the most spectacular seasonal changes in the world. `Earth's Greatest Spectacles', narrated by actor Domhnall Gleeson, showcases the yearly transformations, in addition to exploring the processes that cause the changes to occur and...
Plot: `Alaska: A Year in the Wild' follows the hardiest of creatures as they grow and moult their winter coats through the seasons, putting their most extreme survival skills to the ultimate test. Spanning an area of close to 700,000 square miles and a population density of almost one person per square mile...
Plot: Showcasing the splendour of Canada's great geographic diversity with breathtaking landscapes, interesting historical facts, amazing images of wildlife and profiles of important Canadians.
Plot: Stretching from the Antarctic in the south to the Arctic in the north, the Atlantic Ocean is vast, wild and unforgiving and each season brings new challenges for its indigenous creatures.
Plot: Documentary series looking at the most dramatic wildlife spectacles on the planet, showing how life responds to natural events which can dramatically transform entire landscapes.
Plot: Host David Suzuki offers informative views about the state of the world and how to make it a better place. His documentaries are produced in Canada and abroad, and all offer a look at the way the planet is changing and shifting in our modernized age.