Plot: After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be with his husband Mazhar, but she must use her magical abilities to protect their happiness from Mazhar's mother, who is unaware of Ruhsar's presence, makes her best to remarry his son with another woman. After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be...
Plot: Second Spring is a Turkish television series, broadcast between 1998-2001 by ATV. First 8 episodes appeared between 29 October 1998 â 20 May 1999. The next 15 episodes were between 17 February-25 May 2000 and the last 14 episodes were between 21 September 2000 â 11...
Plot: Asmalı Konak was a Turkish TV series directed by ÃaÄan Irmak and written by Mahinur Ergun and Meral Okay. It was shown on ATV for a total of 54 episodes. The series was followed by a sequel, released as a feature film titled Asmalı Konak: Hayat. Wikipedia
Plot: The inseparable mates Rafet and Saffet are two clever and clumsy journalists who work at a newspaper's sports service. One is a newspaper photographer and the other a sports writer. Though they are inseparable, they have totally different personalities. Saffet is tidy, meticulous, skilled, emotional...
Plot: Ferhunde Hanim is a post-middle-aged housewife who still cares about her 3 daughters and their marriages. Ferhunde lives with her beloved husband and her closest friend Suzi that helped Ferhunde while raising her children. Even though kids have become mature they still need help and their mother and...
Plot: Sahin and Zerda two young people that deeply in love. Sahin's brother dies in a traffic accident while the couple planning their marriage.. Now according to customs; Sahin supposed to marry his brother's wife. Zerda closes her heart to Sahin, as soon as she hears that she married to brother's wife....
Plot: Asli meets Eren the day she finds out her boyfriend is married and asks him for a favor to join the dinner with her parents as her "boyfriend". Things go out of hand and soon enough, the two find themselves in a bizarre fake relationship.
Plot: Zeyno, who escapes from her village, meets with Memoli and they adventure. Zeyno and Erkan's marriage is designed to bring peace between two feuding families. However, when Erkan secretly leaves Zeyno the night after her wedding, the feud reaches unprecedented levels. Zeyno leaves her village and...
Plot: Ãılgın BediÅ is a Turkish youth television series that first displayed in tv in 1996. The first part was published on Monday, July 8. From 1999 until 1996, Kanal D aired the series. In 2000 it shifted to a different channel, passed to the Show TV. The series ended in 2001. Yonca...
Plot: The fascinating story of the series begins with the suicide of Sedef. Sedef is married to Emir but commits suicide by skipping from skies by saying that she is in love with Ali. Upon this Emir Atasoylu will take revenge. He swears that Ali will take away everything he owns and loves. The fascinating...
Plot: The life story of three faithful schoolmates: Pervin, Gul and Ayse. As going through the struggles of life, they always back up each other. They are the three aces of a volleyball team, too. After being graduated, every year they meet at Naci Baba's (Father Naci) café for their anniversary. Each of...
Plot: Aliye has two beautiful children but an unhappy marriage. When Aliye discovers that her husband Sinan is cheating on her with a younger girl, she decides to leave the house and go to her uncle's house in Istanbul.